Heart of the Swamp

Heart of the Swamp
Woodduck box at center

Sunday, March 02, 2008

2nd Annual First Coast Great Air Potato Roundup

The 2nd Annual First Coast Great Air Potato Roundup on March 1, 2008, was a huge success! We collected two and a half large trash bags of potatoes (approximately 300 pounds). Thank you to Barbara Beyerl, Andrew Thornton, Pat Anderson, Larry, Nikki and Taryn Fenwick, Lenore McCullough, Gerry Murphy, and John Mikl0s. Everyone had great fun searching out air potatoes of all shapes and sizes. It was kind of like an Easter egg hunt, only all the eggs were the same color! The largest potato of all roundup sites was found by Andrew Thornton and Barbara Beyerl. It measured 16.5 inches in circumference! Andrew generously let Barbara claim the grand prize of a guided kayak trip for two for half a day from Kayak Amelia.

See you there next year!