Heart of the Swamp

Heart of the Swamp
Woodduck box at center

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bird Species List -- 101 Species total

A list of the species of birds observed at Crosby is available from the Links section at right of this blog page, or from DAS website. There are now 101 resident and migratory bird species known to occur at Crosby. The real number of bird species is probably considerably higher than this.

Bird records from Crosby are recorded on www.eBird.org, where Crosby Sanctuary listed as a hotspot.

Bird surveys are conducted on a regular basis on the first Saturday of each month starting at 8 a.m.

Volunteers are welcome! Contact petejohnson71@comcast.net for more info.

Monday, March 07, 2011

5th Annual Air Potato Roundup report

The air potato roundup this year was a success. We only found 16 pound of potatoes, but that's a good thing. It means we are getting ahead of them, finally after 4 years!

I want to thank the North Florida Audubon Chapter Regional Conservation Committee members for coming out to help. Thank you Ed Rutherford. I also want to thank Jacob and the Ely brothers from the neighborhood. Thank you all!