Heart of the Swamp

Heart of the Swamp
Woodduck box at center

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring at Crosby Sanctuary

Prothonotary Warbler
Beaver gnaw on sweetgum tree!

Spring is finally upon us and the leaves and buds are popping at Crosby. Ed and I will continue to work on picking up trash, controlling invasive plants, and general improvements to the sanctuary during unscheduled work days during the week and on weekends. Please call Pete Johnson at (904) 536-4806 if you are interested in participating in work days, or just visit the sanctuary for a nature walk. The Prothonotary Warblers should be returning in April!

An interesting thing we learned this winter is that there are North American Beaver living in the Swamp at Crosby.


PeteJohnson said...

River otter are also quite common at Crosby. I photographed one on March 28, 2010, and the picture is in the slideshow to the right. I spotted it walking around on the swamp trail by the two big culverts. It saw me after a minute or so and took off into the swamp. The swamp is transitioning from very wet to lower water conditions, which is typical for spring. This tends to concentrate food for birds and mammals just in time for mating season.

BirdBrain said...

I've never seen a Prothonotary Warbler. I'll have to come to your field trip in May to see one!